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Cómo mejorar tu calidad de sueño en este año que comienza

Cómo mejorar tu calidad de sueño en este año que comienza

Es extraño que pocas personas lo hagan.

La mayoría piensa en otros propósitos para el año que comienza: hacer ejercicio, bajar de peso, ascender en el trabajo, emprender en un nuevo negocio…pero ¿descansar mejor?

De entrada puede que no suene tan atractivo, pero con un descanso efectivo, sería más fácil cumplir los otros propósitos.

Dormir bien es uno de los factores clave para tener una buena salud, niveles de energía óptimos y una mejor apariencia.

Es un proceso tan esencial e importante que ni siquiera lo consideramos a la hora de elaborar nuestros propósitos de año nuevo.

Si tu eres una de esas pocas personas que se propusieron dormir mejor en este año, te felicito.

Y si no lo hiciste, te invito a que lo consideres.

Probablemente esa sea la pieza que falta en el rompecabezas de la vida que quieres vivir en este 2022.

Una de las consecuencias del cambio drástico en nuestro estilo de vida ocasionado por la pandemia ha sido la alteración en nuestros patrones de sueño ¿a ti no te pasó?

Estar encerrados la mayor parte del día, e incluso pasar días sin tomar el sol ha sido una de las causas de los trastornos de sueño que muchas personas están experimentando hoy en día.

Esto pasa porque tu reloj biológico está “sincronizado” con los ciclos naturales del día y la noche.

El sol le indica a tu cuerpo que es hora de despertar y la ausencia de este da la señal para que hormonas como la melatonina se liberen en tu organismo y lo preparen para un buen descanso.

Privar al cuerpo del sol y mantenerlo despierto con luz artificial hasta altas horas de la madrugada generan una confusión que da como resultado un descanso insuficiente y de mala calidad.

Pero es tiempo de enderezar el camino.

Pasar del estrés a la satisfacción.

Hace algunos meses, Arturo visitó una de las tiendas Phiten con la intención de averiguar si contábamos con un producto que pudiera ayudarlo a mejorar su calidad de sueño.

Le comentó a uno de nuestros asesores que acababa de jubilarse porque ya no podía con el estrés en su trabajo.

Arturo era directivo en una empresa financiera y tenía un alto nivel de responsabilidad.

Su agenda siempre estaba saturada con reuniones, viajes y toda clase de proyectos urgentes. Prácticamente sólo iba a su casa para dormir, e incluso para esto contaba con poco tiempo.

Decidió retirarse porque quería pasar más tiempo con su familia y mejorar su calidad de vida. Sentía que si no lo hacía en ese momento, no lo haría nunca.

Además del insomnio, padecía molestias constantes en el cuello y la espalda alta.

El asesor le habló de la tecnología de los productos Phiten y le realizó algunas demostraciones para que comprobara por sí mismo su efecto relajante.

Una de estas pruebas consistió en rociar sobre su espalda alta el spray Aqua Mist Rest, que combina aceites esenciales con oro.

En pocos segundos, experimentó una sensación de alivio en su espalda y la tensión en esa zona de su cuerpo comenzó a disminuir.

Ese día, Arturo compró la Almohada Shiatsu Hills, una caja de shots Aqua Rest y el spray Aqua Mist Rest.

Con el uso regular de estos productos ha mejorado notablemente la calidad de su descanso y sus niveles de energía han subido de forma considerable.

Su familia y su cuerpo se lo agradecen.

3 tips para mejorar tu calidad de sueño.

Pequeños hábitos pueden hacer la diferencia a la hora de mejorar tu descanso.

En anteriores artículos hemos compartido contigo muchos tips e información de utilidad sobre este tema y ahora no será la excepción.

A continuación te doy tres consejos para que sea más fácil cumplir el propósito de dormir mejor éste año que comienza:

  1. Toma un shot Aqua Rest 20 minutos antes de dormir. Esto relajará tu organismo y mejorará tu calidad de sueño.
  2. Utiliza una Almohada Phiten para dormir. Su diseño facilita una postura correcta y su exclusiva tecnología puede relajar tu sistema nervioso para un descanso óptimo.
  3. Rocía el spray Aqua Mist Rest en tu cuello y espalda alta antes de acostarte para facilitar y mejorar tu descanso.

Cambiar de hábitos de un día para otro puede resultar algo abrumador, por lo que no te preocupes si no puedes seguir estas recomendaciones al pie de la letra.

Puedes comenzar con una a la vez, lo importante es tomar cartas en el asunto y hacer las acciones necesarias para transformar tu calidad de vida.

Estoy seguro que con esta actitud tendrás un año exitoso, saludable y lleno de energía.

Artículo anterior Libérate de los malos hábitos y mejora tu nutrición
Artículo siguiente 4 tips que te ayudarán a cumplir tu propósito de hacer ejercicio este año


Cyril Vivian - mayo 13, 2024

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Jonathan Dave - marzo 27, 2024


Happy day to you all. Using this wonderful platform, I want to notify the public about WIZARD WILLIAMS RECOVERY. A few months ago, I was looking for an online Bitcoin scheme for investment when I fell victim to a $213,000 fraud. Until I saw a timeline about WIZARD WILLIAMS RECOVERY, I was at my lowest and had no idea what to do. I contacted them, and to my utter amazement, they were able to retrieve every penny that I had previously lost to scammers. It didn’t cost me anything to announce a good and trustworthy hacker as WIZARD WILLIAMS, which is why I’m so happy to share this excellent news with you all.Contact them if you need any crypto recovery assistance, through email ( or WhatsApp:+4,9,1,7,6,1,2,4,5,2,0,6,6.

Wendy Wallace - febrero 21, 2024

I’m just so happy for recovering what i lost to scam mers some months ago, i was introduced to a recovery agent by an old friend whom i met at Mcdonalds last week. I told her about the issue and how i lost all my pension to investment scams which operated under the name finance block. The recovery agent asked me for some proofs and transaction histories, we had other few briefings through the recovery until we recovered everything i lost under 13 hours, took another 4 hours to get deposited into my personal wallet. It is a very nice feeling to be back on track with the new year.
I will drop the agents contact just incase anyone here find themselves in similar situation now or tomorrow.
E mail: refunddpolici(at) gmail (dot) com
Whats app and Tel : +1 ( 9 7 2) 9 9 8‑2 7 5 5
Thank You.

Wendy Wallace - febrero 21, 2024

I’m just so happy for recovering what i lost to scam mers some months ago, i was introduced to a recovery agent by an old friend whom i met at Mcdonalds last week. I told her about the issue and how i lost all my pension to investment scams which operated under the name finance block. The recovery agent asked me for some proofs and transaction histories, we had other few briefings through the recovery until we recovered everything i lost under 13 hours, took another 4 hours to get deposited into my personal wallet. It is a very nice feeling to be back on track with the new year.
I will drop the agents contact just incase anyone here find themselves in similar situation now or tomorrow.
E mail: refunddpolici(at) gmail (dot) com
Whats app and Tel : +1 ( 9 7 2) 9 9 8‑2 7 5 5
Thank You.

William - enero 20, 2024

Hello to all of you. William Lee here, and I was duped by a B it coin scam. A few months ago, I saw an opportunity to increase my income and, although not fully understanding the risks, I invested a portion of my retirement funds into B Coin coin. I was told that I couldn’t locate or reverse the BIT coin, and I couldn’t access or take money out of my wallet. I had thought my B it coin wallet was gone forever until my cousin told me about RECOVERYEXPERT AT RESCUETEAM dot COM, a cryptocurrency and funds recovery firm that was able to locate and provide me access to it. I met a RECOVERY EXPERT by chance, and she not only helped me get my money back but also provided me with helpful bitcoin ideas. I am writing a review of RECOVERY EXPERT since I promised them I would, and I strongly recommend using their services.
Email correspondence with him can be sent to {recoveryexpert at rescueteam dot com}.

Ashley - enero 5, 2024

If you’re not familiar with cryptocurrency trading, I strongly advise you to either stay away from it completely or invest very cautiously. I was forced to invest a significant amount of my life savings on a forex platform in an attempt to increase my profits, but I ultimately lost roughly 95,000 USD to this scam. I was not allowed to take my money out after I had invested and made a profit. I sent a letter to customer service, but it was ineffective, so I realized I had been duped. I was fortunate enough to come across a genuine deal retrieval agent at (recoveryexpert at rescueteam dot com) after much looking for ways to acquire assistance. I decided to give it a shot and explained my condition to him. He gave me his word that he would help me get my money back. In all honesty, he performed a fantastic job, and my money was restored to my wallet account within a few days. I’m quite appreciative to have encountered someone with such exceptional abilities; it’s truly remarkable.

Email- recoveryexpert at rescueteam dot com

Olson Kyle - enero 2, 2024

I would especially want to thank Recovery Expert, a specialized expert in tracing lost Bitcoin wallets and cryptocurrency recovery. My spouse and I were unlucky enough to become victims of an internet con artist posing as experts and professionals in the realm of investments. It came out that we had been duped after investing a total of $189,000. When we inquired about the withdrawal of the cash, the con artist gave us a number of justifications and insisted that we invest more money. The profits had increased dramatically by the time it was time for us to retire our withdrawals. We found Recovery Expert, who was able to retrieve our lost monies, during our search for information on how to recover lost funds.
Speak with the Expert by Mail:
recoveryexpert at rescueteam dot com

Sandra Benson - diciembre 31, 2023

I lost a significant amount of money as a result of falling for a fraudulent cryptocurrency exchange scam. I decided to invest in cryptocurrencies after they persuaded me that doing so would provide respectable returns. But after a few weeks, I discovered it was a hoax, and my cash had been taken by the con artists. I confessed in a colleague, feeling hopeless and lost, and she suggested a professional team of hackers who specialize in money recovery. They recovered my investment once I contacted them at {RECOVERYEXPERT AT RESCUETEAM DOT COM}. They impressed me with their professionalism and competence, and I heartily recommend them to anyone who needs help getting money back from online scammers. Please get in touch if you or someone you know has been the victim of similar frauds. Kindly get in touch with Recovery Expert at “RECOVERYEXPERT AT RESCUETEAM DOT COM.” By sharing my story, I hope to increase awareness and save others from being victims of these dishonest schemes. Regards,

Amy Taylor - diciembre 29, 2023

Have you ever fallen victim to fraud? Did fraudulent online hackers steal your wallet or money? I kindly request that you get in touch with this reliable hacker at (recoveryexpert at rescueteam dot com). I was deceived into believing that I was an investor in binary options and B it coin. These con artists stole $2BTC and $34,000 from my B it coin wallet. It took some time for me to learn they were scams, and this hurt a lot.When my in-laws learned about it, they gave me the name and address of an expert. He assisted me in getting my misplaced BIT coins back. If you are looking to recoup any money you may have lost to online scams, false hackers, or online dating frauds, phony binary investors, and b it coin wallet breaches.For assistance, contact (recoveryexpert at rescueteam dot com). You’ll be happy you did, I promise.

Oscar David - diciembre 28, 2023

I lost $140,000 in BIT coin when my cryptocurrency investment fell into the wrong hands, and I was taken advantage of during that time. After learning that it was neither traceable nor recoverable, I was on the verge of giving up until I came across an article on Quora about a RECOVERYEXPERT at RESCUETEAM dot COM. To my amazement, after working with him, he was able to retrieve $132,580 of the money I had lost. I am so appreciative that I was able to get my lost bitcoin back. When you reach him at (recoveryexpert AT rescueteam DOT com), he is always available to help.

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